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Krav Maga, literally translated as "contact combat", is the official self-defense system of the IDF, the Israeli Defense Forces.

Krav Maga was developed by Imi Lichtenfeld, a boxer and wrestler from Bratislava. His goal was to help members of the Jewish community protect themselves against the increasing number of attacks. At the time, it had to be quick, simple and effective. At first there were only individual techniques, but later it became an integrated system. Krav Maga is considered the most realistic self-defense system in the world and is used in over 80 countries to train police and military forces.



For Imi, the most important reason for developing Krav Maga was that everyone, whether man or woman, young or old, should be able to defend themselves, according to the motto "That one may walk in peace".

The techniques are based on natural reflexes and principles that you can follow. This means that you are not restricted by rules when defending yourself. This is also the biggest difference between a (combat) sport and a self-defense system. There are no referees, weight classes or limitations on the permitted techniques. It trains what works for the user based on their body size, fitness and mobility in order to get out of dangerous situations unharmed.


Krav Maga is uncompromising, direct and therefore effective. There are no graceful movements, no separate styles, no superfluous movements. It is a sober system in which only effectiveness counts. The techniques are based on natural reactions and reflexes. Techniques for (verbal and physical) de-escalation and for defending against knives, sticks and multiple attackers are taught. We train standing and on the ground. Just as society and attacks change in form and intensity over time, Krav Maga also continues to develop in order to always be up to date.

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